Try planting a row of broad beans, the variety 'Aquadulce', in a sheltered part of the vegetable garden. If the winter is not too severe you should be picking beans at the end of next May. If you have saved your own seed it will cost you nothing but your own efforts.
Nerine bulbs from the southern hemisphere
will give you long-lasting clumps of shell pink flowers with strong stems. Don’t plant too deep as this appears to inhibit their flowering. A sunny spot in rich, well-drained soil is all they need. They can be grown in containers with success but be careful they don’t get waterlogged, and keep in a warm sheltered spot in the winter.

Bulbs planted in the ground will benefit from a mulch as the shallow planting can leave them vulnerable to frost.There are a number of varieties. Bowdenii is the most popular as some of the others are too tender.
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